Comments on: Top 6 Best Epilators for Armpits Reviewed Reviews for Luxury, Style, Beauty, Fitness & the Home Mon, 17 Jul 2023 04:09:49 +0000 hourly 1 By: Antonymous Mon, 13 Mar 2017 15:58:33 +0000 K: Ouch!! I’d let a woman shave my body or even shave for her, but not sure about an epilator, did he agree? And as long as he’s not uptight about your body hair, would you accept if he prefers shaving?
Of course I assume you shave/tweeze off and epilate every single hair, so that bargaining would not work ;). Jk.

By: GroomNStyle Tue, 22 Nov 2016 13:48:06 +0000 In reply to K.

Hi K,

Thanks for the email.

It is tricky to give you personalised advice as you and your husbands’ requirements are unique (as are everyone’s). However, the team can provide some resources and general recommendations. Please keep in mind that epilation might not be ideal for direct application on the genitals and head.

The first approach GNS would suggest would be to make an appointment with a hair removal specialist (laser, waxing, or electrolysis) to discuss your goals. This way you will get personalised advice and hair removal recommendations specific to you needs. You could make an initial consultation (some places even provide the initial consultation for free, and only charge for the hair removal afterwards) take as much information as you can and then decide how to proceed from there – either with the clinic or at home. You are then getting professional advice from the consultant in regards to the risks and benefits associated with each approach.

If you decide to proceed at home, having read your requirements, it is going to be tricky to recommend one approach to meet all your goals. I would suggest you read the resources linked to below, prioritise your needs and go from there.

You have not mentioned shaving, which is fine, but you can read about it in detail here
How To Shave Your Pubic Hair – Without Razor Bumps

As for waxing, we have a great article linked below, which provides details of how to do this at home – and where to find home waxing kits etc. Waxing at home, rather than with a professional could save you money.
How To Do Your Own Brazilian Wax At Home – 6 Key Steps

The other option might be laser hair removal. If you can match hair colour and skin tone to a specific device you could see excellent results.
Independent | Top 5 Best Home Hair Removal Laser Devices …

We have a detailed review of the tria laser here.
Tria Hair Removal Beauty Laser 4X Independent Trial …

As for epilators, they have a specific place in hair removal – but to utilise directly on the genitals and head would take a brave person. You can read GNS’s review of the top 5 best epilators in this article above. The Braun Silk-épil 9 9-579 Wet and Dry Cordless Epilator is a great epilator.

As for the head, you can read about GNS’s preferred head shavers here

Kind Regards,

By: K Tue, 22 Nov 2016 13:37:39 +0000 Hi Everyone,
If you could be some assistance on this.
I love to have my husband Hairless from the waist down. I also just love his head shaved. I have been shaving him and occasionally taking him to have those areas waxed . Waxing is quite expensive though. I would like to try an epilator on him. Which one would you recommend that would be good for his genital area and also his legs ? I would also very much like to use it on his scalp\head.
Thanks, K

By: GroomNStyle Wed, 02 Nov 2016 15:10:22 +0000 In reply to Antonymous.

Thanks for pointing this out – correcting the article now.
Kind Regards,

By: Antonymous Wed, 02 Nov 2016 15:05:32 +0000 “Shaving cause thicker and faster hair growth in some cases” Interesting, which cases? As I know it’s a myth.
