Comments on: Best Home Electrolysis Machine Review – Top 5 List Reviews for Luxury, Style, Beauty, Fitness & the Home Tue, 04 Jul 2023 04:21:33 +0000 hourly 1 By: Groom+Style Thu, 28 Feb 2019 10:02:18 +0000 In reply to J.

Hi J,

Thanks for your question on Groom+Style.

At home Laser hair removal is certainly a lot easier than performing at home electrolysis. It does sound like your darker hair and lighter skin tone would respond well to the Tria Laser hair removal system.

There is no maintenance costs for the Tria laser, if you are treating smaller areas (or even larger areas in fact), then 90,000 flashes will last a virtual lifetime.

The only thing I would mention (that is worth considering) is that as you get older, problem hairs can and do pop up in the most ridiculous areas – this is controlled by the bodies hormones. So you might find that you deactivate one hair follicle, only to have another pop up next to it.

You would also have to be careful around the nipples, as the skin is darker. The Tria, will not fire if the skin is to dark, which is for your own safety (stops you burning your skin). And do perform a test somewhere else, before treating your facial area.

To save some money you could always consider buying the device with a friend/family member or a few friends, and sharing it?

Hope this helps a bit.

Kind Regards,

By: Subhash Wed, 27 Feb 2019 13:24:49 +0000 Excellently Written comparative with keen eye for every puny detail. Thank you, so much.

By: J Wed, 27 Feb 2019 01:11:17 +0000 I just finished reading both your articles on at home laser hair removal and electrolysis and found them both very informative/helpful. Because I don’t think I can afford professional services I have been trying to decide which method would be best for me and I was wondering if you guys could give me some advice.
I’m looking to mainly remove unwanted hairs on my chin, neck and around my breasts. The hairs are dark brown/black and my skin tone is on the lighter side of brown (type 3 or 4). I’m concerned that if I go with the electrolysis (the Clean and Easy device) I will end up wasting time and effort as I’m not sure if I’ll be able to do it correctly/effectively. However the idea of permanent hair removal is more appealing to me in the long run plus the number of hairs along my neck/chin area that I want to remove aren’t that many. As for the laser removal options they are slightly more appealing in that I could treat larger areas at a faster rate but all of the devices are pretty outside of my budget. I would be willing to make an investment in them at some point I’m just worried the continued required maintenance of laser removal will increase that cost even more over time. I’d appreciate any advice you could give to me in helping me make my decision. Thank you -J

By: Groom+Style Thu, 29 Nov 2018 17:22:59 +0000 In reply to Trish.

Thanks for the detailed comment Trish, great to hear you got the desired result.
Kind Regards,

By: Trish Thu, 29 Nov 2018 14:36:06 +0000 The clean and easy machine works, but each follicle has to be treated several times before they stop growing back altogether.To the person who said it doesn’t work- did you take the plastic off the battery? When the machine is working, some foamy white stuff bubbles up from the hair follicle pore. If thats not happening, the machine is actually not functioning. If it is generating that white stuff, each follicle probably needs five treatments for the hair to disappear, but they get thinner and lighter in color over the treatment period. I tried professional “blend” electrolysis and got similar results- that is ,it took years of weekly treatments before the skin stayed bald. You can do it yourself with a magnifying mirror.
